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  • Writer's pictureChristine McGrath

July 24th Meeting Summary

Last night we had an efficient Council meeting. Here is a summary on action we took.

We passed many ordinances. These included:

  • A bond for the reconstruction of Balston/Windemere/Whitney for $1.4 million, offset with a grant of $300K

  • A bond for the reconstruction of Douglas Place for $650K, offset with a grant for $422K

  • A bond for $500K for expenses related to the Fairview and Linn Drive well remediation

  • A capital ordinance for $26K from the water and sewer capital fund for an assessment of the wastewater treatment plant

  • An additional $20K from the pool capital improvement fund for the pool splash pad project close out

  • Revisions to the ordinance governing our re-organization meeting time and location

  • Revisions to our ordinance on flags and adding building lightings to confirm and standardize past practice

We had to re-introduce an ordinance to replace Chapter 270 of the Township Code on a state-mandated ordinance on Flood Control and Damage Prevention. This re-introduction occurred because the DEP reviewed our ordinance and mandated a change to one definition to ensure consistency. This is a very complicated ordinance, but it further regulates construction and development in areas that are prone to flooding. While the Council has very little ability to change the wording of this ordinance, I still highly encourage residents who live in or near a flood zone to read it and send the Council questions. You can do so using this link:

We passed several resolutions, including some finance related resolutions that canceled old checks and unfunded balances on ordinances. We closed out a contract for our 2021 CDBG project - which was various ADA Ramp Improvements. We also authorized our participation in the 2024-2026 CDBG program.

In new business, we discussed regulating parking at Everett Field. At this time, we have no ordinance on the books prohibiting overnight parking there, and we also don't have an ordinance prohibiting non-field parking there. We are planning on closing both loopholes by introducing an ordinance at our next meeting.

We went into Executive Session to discuss several matters.

That is it! If you have any questions, feel free to email the entire Council here:

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